Monday 25 January 2010

Evaluation - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

For my ancillary task i chose to create a album cover and a flyer. To create my album cover I researched other production album covers to try and ideas and aspects that i liked and could carry forward into my own work.

Firstly I searched for a Busted album cover as i new they have covers that would fit in with our type of boy band. The cover i found appealed to me as it had bright colours and the picture of the band on the front, the layout of the album cover was also useful and i also liked the text used. It inspired me to create an album cover along the same lines.
Here is an example of the busted cover:

Here is an example of Kasbian's album, i feel that this is relevant to my research as it is very similar to the Busted album. The colours really catch my eye and the layout of the album:

These album covers gave me the idea of using bold colours and text that stands out. It also gave me the idea to create an album cover that would draw the consumer in and was also eye catching.I think by using these to covers for ideas has benefited me largely as I have created a very appealing cover which has used and developed a real media product.

To create my poster I used the same process, research a band poster/flyer and find an existing one which appealed to me. I looked at existing posters on the Internet but the one that appealed to me the most was a poster for the band Not advised ( the bands song we used,) this is because it was the actual band we were using. I also liked the aspects used within the poster such as the layout, colours and pictures. It represented a typical poster for a boy band.
Here is an example of the poster:

In a sense my ancillary tasks have also challenged real media because I have changed and adapted to my own style.These posters and album covers are another example of how I have used and developed a real media product. For example, the text used in the Busted and Kasbian album covers is very bright coloured and stands out, and i feel this appeals to the target audience as it catches their eye. For my flyer i decided to use the aspect of bold text but i also decided to not over crowd it like the example above.

The music video we have created is fairly conventional, it doesn't have many abstract moments and conforms to the normal 'pop punk' genre by using a main character of which the audience can relate to, simple shots, a basic storyline, close ups of the main character and performance based shots. Other bands from a similar genre also use this technique with their music video's, an example of this is Blink 182's video 'all the small things'. Although the story behind it is very different it uses close ups, performance based shots and has a main character just like our music video.
Here is an example of blink 182's music video:

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