Tuesday 26 January 2010

Evaluation -How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

My ancillary tasks for this coursework fit well together as they use very similar aspects that work well together. The picture i have used is very similar to a typical boy band photo shot, this fits in well as it is what the viewer would expect to see. The font style and layout is similar on both tasks which makes it clear that they are both relating to the same thing. However the video does not share as many common features and similarities but i feel that it is clear to the audience that they are of the same genre but we have tryed to make this clear through using bold titles in our video. Unfortunately the band were not available to film therefore we could not have them in our video.

Here is a picture of the actual band 'Not advised':

And this is the actual image i used in my additonal tasks:

As you can see the images have some similarities which is why i chose to use this image as i felt it would fit in with my project.

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