Tuesday 26 January 2010

Evaluation - How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages ?

Throughout the stages of construction, research, planning and evaluation stages of this project i used the following media technologies:

  • Video camera- we used this to film the shots we used within our music video and we also used it to do specific effects that we needed.
  • Tripod- We used a tripod for creating unusual angles and we also used it for keeping the camera at a Right angle/height for the shots we filmed with the camera.
  • Music magazines- I used existing music magazines such as 'NME' to give me a varied amount of ideas about what i would like to create for my additional projects, this also gave me the chance to look at existing pieces.
  • CD covers from existing artists- I used CD covers from existing bands to give me an idea of what a typical CD cover would look like for a band of the same kind of genre of mine. They gave me ideas about text, layout and colours that i would maybe like to include in my own one. I looked at bands CD covers such as Kasbian and Busted.
  • Microsoft Publisher- I firstly used this to create my additional projects but i then decided that i would use photoshop as it gave a more professional look to my additional projects because it had different effects to use on the program.
  • Adobe Photoshop- This is what i mainly used to create my additonal projects, although it was complicated to use at first it taught me alot of skills. I am glad that i didnt just stick with Microsoft Publisher because photoshop has deffently allowed me to create better additonal projects.
  • Adobe premiere pro-We used this to edit our music video, add the colour effects, crop certain frames to make them look better and to add title's to our piece.
  • The Internet- I used this to look at existing images, Existing CD covers and band posters/flyers. Having the Internet to use in this project was vital as it gave me a greater idea of other existing pieces around today. It also gave me access to my own blog and websites such as YouTube.
  • Blog spot.com-This website has given me the chance to upload all of project onto a blog, it has also given me chance to realise a new way of presenting my work.
  • YouTube-This has allowed me access to existing music videos. It has also give our group ideas about what to include in our own music video.

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