Tuesday 26 January 2010

Evaluation - What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

I have learnt many things for the audience feedback and will carry these pointers and tips into my next piece i film. These points included things such as :
  • Use close ups so that the audience has the chance to relate to the main character.
  • Avoid filming to much of the character walking away from the camera
  • With a video like the one we made, use a lot of short scene's with sharp cuts between them.
  • Do a lot of research when planning a piece to avoid changing idea's and giving myself enough time to complete the work without having to rush it.
  • Use colour to emphasise dramatic or different moments throughout.
  • Keep asking for opinions throughout the editing process to ensure the audience feedback is as good as it can be.
I feel that these points are vital and have really helped each member of our group think about developing them filming skills. I personally feel that i have learnt alot from audience feedback and i will defiantly remember these whilst filming another project.

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