Tuesday 26 January 2010

The finished peice

Here is our music video that we created:


Evaluation - How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages ?

Throughout the stages of construction, research, planning and evaluation stages of this project i used the following media technologies:

  • Video camera- we used this to film the shots we used within our music video and we also used it to do specific effects that we needed.
  • Tripod- We used a tripod for creating unusual angles and we also used it for keeping the camera at a Right angle/height for the shots we filmed with the camera.
  • Music magazines- I used existing music magazines such as 'NME' to give me a varied amount of ideas about what i would like to create for my additional projects, this also gave me the chance to look at existing pieces.
  • CD covers from existing artists- I used CD covers from existing bands to give me an idea of what a typical CD cover would look like for a band of the same kind of genre of mine. They gave me ideas about text, layout and colours that i would maybe like to include in my own one. I looked at bands CD covers such as Kasbian and Busted.
  • Microsoft Publisher- I firstly used this to create my additional projects but i then decided that i would use photoshop as it gave a more professional look to my additional projects because it had different effects to use on the program.
  • Adobe Photoshop- This is what i mainly used to create my additonal projects, although it was complicated to use at first it taught me alot of skills. I am glad that i didnt just stick with Microsoft Publisher because photoshop has deffently allowed me to create better additonal projects.
  • Adobe premiere pro-We used this to edit our music video, add the colour effects, crop certain frames to make them look better and to add title's to our piece.
  • The Internet- I used this to look at existing images, Existing CD covers and band posters/flyers. Having the Internet to use in this project was vital as it gave me a greater idea of other existing pieces around today. It also gave me access to my own blog and websites such as YouTube.
  • Blog spot.com-This website has given me the chance to upload all of project onto a blog, it has also given me chance to realise a new way of presenting my work.
  • YouTube-This has allowed me access to existing music videos. It has also give our group ideas about what to include in our own music video.

Evaluation - What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

I have learnt many things for the audience feedback and will carry these pointers and tips into my next piece i film. These points included things such as :
  • Use close ups so that the audience has the chance to relate to the main character.
  • Avoid filming to much of the character walking away from the camera
  • With a video like the one we made, use a lot of short scene's with sharp cuts between them.
  • Do a lot of research when planning a piece to avoid changing idea's and giving myself enough time to complete the work without having to rush it.
  • Use colour to emphasise dramatic or different moments throughout.
  • Keep asking for opinions throughout the editing process to ensure the audience feedback is as good as it can be.
I feel that these points are vital and have really helped each member of our group think about developing them filming skills. I personally feel that i have learnt alot from audience feedback and i will defiantly remember these whilst filming another project.

Evaluation - Audience feedback

We showed our music video to our class and received feedback, this gave us a quite a good idea of what peoples thoughts were. Overall the feedback was quite good.
The comments we received were:

  • The way in which you sped up the shot to make it more fast passed to fit in with the music worked really well.
  • Good narrative, most people said they pacifically liked the alarm going off at the end, which rounded the whole story off well.
  • The use of colour and contrast made it very affective at times.
An improvement that we could of made was:

  • There was too much walking away from the camera, instead of filming it from the back of the main character we should have filmed the main character walking towards the camera so the audience could have related more.

Evaluation -How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

My ancillary tasks for this coursework fit well together as they use very similar aspects that work well together. The picture i have used is very similar to a typical boy band photo shot, this fits in well as it is what the viewer would expect to see. The font style and layout is similar on both tasks which makes it clear that they are both relating to the same thing. However the video does not share as many common features and similarities but i feel that it is clear to the audience that they are of the same genre but we have tryed to make this clear through using bold titles in our video. Unfortunately the band were not available to film therefore we could not have them in our video.

Here is a picture of the actual band 'Not advised':

And this is the actual image i used in my additonal tasks:

As you can see the images have some similarities which is why i chose to use this image as i felt it would fit in with my project.

Monday 25 January 2010

Evaluation - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

For my ancillary task i chose to create a album cover and a flyer. To create my album cover I researched other production album covers to try and ideas and aspects that i liked and could carry forward into my own work.

Firstly I searched for a Busted album cover as i new they have covers that would fit in with our type of boy band. The cover i found appealed to me as it had bright colours and the picture of the band on the front, the layout of the album cover was also useful and i also liked the text used. It inspired me to create an album cover along the same lines.
Here is an example of the busted cover:

Here is an example of Kasbian's album, i feel that this is relevant to my research as it is very similar to the Busted album. The colours really catch my eye and the layout of the album:

These album covers gave me the idea of using bold colours and text that stands out. It also gave me the idea to create an album cover that would draw the consumer in and was also eye catching.I think by using these to covers for ideas has benefited me largely as I have created a very appealing cover which has used and developed a real media product.

To create my poster I used the same process, research a band poster/flyer and find an existing one which appealed to me. I looked at existing posters on the Internet but the one that appealed to me the most was a poster for the band Not advised ( the bands song we used,) this is because it was the actual band we were using. I also liked the aspects used within the poster such as the layout, colours and pictures. It represented a typical poster for a boy band.
Here is an example of the poster:

In a sense my ancillary tasks have also challenged real media because I have changed and adapted to my own style.These posters and album covers are another example of how I have used and developed a real media product. For example, the text used in the Busted and Kasbian album covers is very bright coloured and stands out, and i feel this appeals to the target audience as it catches their eye. For my flyer i decided to use the aspect of bold text but i also decided to not over crowd it like the example above.

The music video we have created is fairly conventional, it doesn't have many abstract moments and conforms to the normal 'pop punk' genre by using a main character of which the audience can relate to, simple shots, a basic storyline, close ups of the main character and performance based shots. Other bands from a similar genre also use this technique with their music video's, an example of this is Blink 182's video 'all the small things'. Although the story behind it is very different it uses close ups, performance based shots and has a main character just like our music video.
Here is an example of blink 182's music video:

Thursday 10 December 2009

Final additional projects

I have now finished making my final changes to my projects here is an example of them:

  • Poster/Flyer

  • Album cover front

  • Album back cover

Overall i think the improvements and changes i have to these projects have been successful, the choice of colour schemes, types of texts and positioning etc also works really well with these projects. The flyer/poster i have created is simple yet effect, the dark background and picture really creates a contrast as i have used white text. I feel that this makes the text stand out and draws attention to the reader. My album cover really captures the style of the band we made our music video about, it portrays a typical boy rock band, as i have referred to earlier in my blog eg: Busted and Kasbian, this is conforming with typical stereotypes which also makes it successful. The colour scheme i used really work well with each other as the red draws attention and the white does also. I feel the effects that i have used on the texts also work very well as they are quite different to other types of text that i could of used, they also add a depth to the styling of the album cover, finally i think that the picture nicely fits in with the rest of the album. The back of the album cover also has the picture on and this makes it a little more interesting as there is something for the viewer to look at. I have also used different coloured texts this adds a difference to my other projects and therefore works as it does not look as consistent. Overall i am pleased with what i have created as i have developed skills that i never had before.