Tuesday 24 November 2009

My projects so far

So far i have created both my additional projects in photo shop, what i have created is reasonably good but i will carry on developing them throughout the coursework time scale. Here is an example of what i have created:

  • This is my Album cover

  • This is the back of my album

  • This is my poster /flyer

Overall i feel that this is a good start but i will as i said earlier i will be devloping this projects by changing the style of texts, adding more effects and so on.

Thursday 19 November 2009

Picture used for my projects

As i explained earlier i have had to use different image for my additional projects. I feel that this has worked out reasonably well as the picture i have used still fits the profile of the band '' Not advised.'' Here is an example of the image:

My friends Tom, Callum and Liam kindly volunteered to be in this picture. This picture is perfect for my projects as they really do look like a band when edited into the poster and CD cover for my projects, hopefully my projects will turn reasonably well.

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Picture used for my project

As we are not allowed to use any copyrighted images for our projects i have decided to take a picture of Friends posing to be the band '' Not Advised '' this is the image that you see in my additional project.


I feel that my project would look better as a flyer instead of a full size poster, this is due to the fact that i feel the more simple the project is the more effective it is. I also feel that the image i have used would not work if it was bigger as it would worsen the quality of the picture. Another reason why i feel i cannot do a poster is because of the layout i do not think that any think would be effect around this image, i think it would look over crowded. Yet i am still open to other ideas and this idea may change.

Additional project (poster)

I have now started to use photo shop and i have started to create a better image for my poster, here is what i have created:
To create this i layered the photo of Tom, Liam and Callum over the background picture of the cloud and i then adjusted the brightness and contrast. The next step i took was to make a new layer and put it to the front of the piece. Then by using the paint bucket tool i filled the layer with black colouring and then i erased the edges out with a soft eraser. Too add detail to my poster i added some text, i then used the filter option and used blur tool and chose the option Gaussian to add effect to the text, this created a blur behind the text. I feel that this is a good starting point for my poster but i will now devlop my ideas and add further adujstments to it. I will add more text and possibly make the poster larger.

Tuesday 10 November 2009


I decided to use Publisher to create my first poster for my additional project, i have now deiced to use Photoshop as i feel that it would be possible to create a more successful poster. This is because i feel that Photoshop has more effects and further technology that i can use to create a more professional looking poster and CD cover. Although i do not have many skills regarding Photoshop i would really like to learn how to use it. I now intend to work further on my additional projects.

Monday 2 November 2009

Additional Project's

I have completed the magazine cover for my additional project, I feel that the magazine cover i have produced is reasonably good, but i will allow for change if i feel there is further room for improvement. Here is a picture of my project:

I really like the colours I have used in this project i feel that they really work well together and they fit in with the theme of the band. The positioning of the shapes, text and pictures i have used has also worked really well as it fits with the stereotype of a young male rock band, this is because they are seen to be a bit outrageous and wacky and by using the positioning i have used i feel it represents this to the viewer. Overall i am reasonably pleased with the magazine cover i have used, I now plan to start my CD cover for the band.

Music for our video

Today we have managed to get the song for our music video, this will now make it a lot easier for us to use it when we are editing the filming. We can also use the music to give us ideas for further filming possibilities. This we now help us see that our project is slowly but surely coming together.


We have decided to start our filming tomorrow (Tuesday 3rd November.)
We plan to film the opening shots of the main character, this including things such as getting ready, waking up, eating breakfast etc. We will also film a group of people socialising, drinking at night possibly down the park or a public area, depending on how much time we have left.
So far we have filmed all the shots in the college, the main character walking into college, through the corridors, out to the smoking areas and finally into a lesson. This is only a small part of what we had planned to do. We had hoped to film the rest during the half term last week. but couldn't due to problems with transport so we have postponed it until tomorrow.

Change of Character

For the music video we planned to use Rich Watson as out main character, unfortunately he's not available when we need him to film. So we have deiced to change the main character featured in our music video. We have now planned to use a member of our group, (Amber Noble.) Due to this change to the story line, this now means that there will not be any dancing involved as Amber is not an experienced dancer like Rich.