Tuesday 6 October 2009

Comparison's to other similar music video's

We have looked at a range of music videos to give us ideas of how we would like our own music video to turn out.Firstly we looked at the music video for 'the anthem' by Good Charlotte, this is similar to how we would like ours to turn out, they use a lot of images of people jumping around and teenagers doing lots of everyday actions, as well as being a bit outrageous. I feel that this creates quite an effective video due to the fact that there is a lot happening and this keeps the attention of the watcher. Unfortunately embedding is disabled on this video so all that i can display is a link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yE2-eN5qnG

Secondly we looked at the video
'all the small things' by blink 182 this also has a lot of clips of teenagers jumping around to the music, it also shows the band being very outrageous and attracting attention to themselves, i feel that this sort of video really attracts the viewer and keeps them watching as a lot of interesting things happen within the video, the video is not boring due to this . This video also points out and outlines the existence of 'boy bands' this is a typical stereotype, and within our music video we are planning to have a scene that points fun at 'geeks'. Embedding is also disabled on this video so all i can display is a link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAEasqYox8s

bellow is a 'parkour' video of people jumping off buildings and over objects doing extreme stunts etc. We will involve something with this kind of element within our own music video, but it will clearly have to be less extreme for it to be safe enough:

The film " District 13" also has relevance to what we would like to produce for our music video, this is because it shows people doing extreme stunts like jumping over cars and climbing onto walls and other objects, there is some fighting involved, and it is mainly based on crime. Here is the trailer for this film:

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