Tuesday 6 October 2009

Idea's for additional projects

As I already have stated before I will be doing a poster and a CD album cover for my additional projects. I am now going to research other magazine covers and album covers that I feel have relevance to my our music video, this is to give me ideas for what i actually want to create for my own. I will include pictures of our band that we are using ''not advised", by researching this it will allow me to see what is popular and will work the best to give me the best outcome possible. Here are a few pictures of the band that I like :

Here is a poster that features the band:

Here are some other ideas from other band's that i will take inspiration from in my own:
  • This is a magazine cover for vampire weekend, as you can see they have used a picture of the band as they are clearly the main focus, they have also used bold writing to draw attention the reader.

  • Here is the Artic Monkeys on the cover of a magazine, this cover is really effective again a picture of the band has been used, they have also used different coloured backgrounds and texts this is really effective as it is very eye-catching.

I have also been looking at album covers that already exists today, this enables me to have ideas for my own album cover i am going to produce, here are some covers that i feel are inspirational:

  • Here is vampire weekends album cover, i feel that this is very simple yet effective i would possibly consider doing something similar for my own project.

  • These to album covers are the kooks, i really like this covers because they are pictures that are simple but they clearly have a meaning behind them. I really like the idea of using pictures to create a album cover. However i need to look at

Story line

We have created a story line for our music video, this is to give us to get us organized and give us a better idea of what we our doing for our video.

Morning - Alarm goes off. Rich (main character) wakes up as music starts and walks down stairs looking tired and dopey.
  • Rich eats a massive breakfast piled up on the plate.
  • Then walks out the front door, closing it behind him.
College - Tommy receives phone call from Rich.
  • Rich walks into college refectory
  • Geeky people sat at tables.
  • When rich starts dancing, geeky people stand up and dance around in background.
  • Rich and Tommy do flips etc off the pool table.
Afternoon - Rich and Tommy walk out of college and into Rich's house.

Night time - Film Rich's feet walking into party, surrounded by other peoples feet.

  • Pan up to full shot of Rich as he walks into party with Tommy following.
  • Speed up footage of party as it starts.
  • Have band playing in the background.
Morning After - Rich wakes up, trips over passed out body on ground.

  • Rich goes downstairs, messy kitchen, eats another huge breakfast.
  • Pans up to a close up of Rich's confused face.

Comparison's to other similar music video's

We have looked at a range of music videos to give us ideas of how we would like our own music video to turn out.Firstly we looked at the music video for 'the anthem' by Good Charlotte, this is similar to how we would like ours to turn out, they use a lot of images of people jumping around and teenagers doing lots of everyday actions, as well as being a bit outrageous. I feel that this creates quite an effective video due to the fact that there is a lot happening and this keeps the attention of the watcher. Unfortunately embedding is disabled on this video so all that i can display is a link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yE2-eN5qnG

Secondly we looked at the video
'all the small things' by blink 182 this also has a lot of clips of teenagers jumping around to the music, it also shows the band being very outrageous and attracting attention to themselves, i feel that this sort of video really attracts the viewer and keeps them watching as a lot of interesting things happen within the video, the video is not boring due to this . This video also points out and outlines the existence of 'boy bands' this is a typical stereotype, and within our music video we are planning to have a scene that points fun at 'geeks'. Embedding is also disabled on this video so all i can display is a link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAEasqYox8s

bellow is a 'parkour' video of people jumping off buildings and over objects doing extreme stunts etc. We will involve something with this kind of element within our own music video, but it will clearly have to be less extreme for it to be safe enough:

The film " District 13" also has relevance to what we would like to produce for our music video, this is because it shows people doing extreme stunts like jumping over cars and climbing onto walls and other objects, there is some fighting involved, and it is mainly based on crime. Here is the trailer for this film: