Thursday 10 December 2009

Final additional projects

I have now finished making my final changes to my projects here is an example of them:

  • Poster/Flyer

  • Album cover front

  • Album back cover

Overall i think the improvements and changes i have to these projects have been successful, the choice of colour schemes, types of texts and positioning etc also works really well with these projects. The flyer/poster i have created is simple yet effect, the dark background and picture really creates a contrast as i have used white text. I feel that this makes the text stand out and draws attention to the reader. My album cover really captures the style of the band we made our music video about, it portrays a typical boy rock band, as i have referred to earlier in my blog eg: Busted and Kasbian, this is conforming with typical stereotypes which also makes it successful. The colour scheme i used really work well with each other as the red draws attention and the white does also. I feel the effects that i have used on the texts also work very well as they are quite different to other types of text that i could of used, they also add a depth to the styling of the album cover, finally i think that the picture nicely fits in with the rest of the album. The back of the album cover also has the picture on and this makes it a little more interesting as there is something for the viewer to look at. I have also used different coloured texts this adds a difference to my other projects and therefore works as it does not look as consistent. Overall i am pleased with what i have created as i have developed skills that i never had before.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Further changes

Next lesson i plan to make further changes to the back of my album cover and my flyer, this is because i feel they are not quite fitting in with the theme of the band. I will be changing things such as colours, text and editing of images. Hopefully i will have completed this by the end of this week but i feel that what i have created so far is really starting to develop well.

Changes to album cover

I have decided to make a few changes to my album cover and will be doing so to my poster. I have done this because i feel that my album cover needed a few changes, i have changed the colour and added a border. Here is a picture of what i have created:
I feel that this is a development to what i first created and is possibly better, but i still would like to change the sizing of the text '' Fight for this '' this is because i think it needs to be bigger to have more of an effect on the viewer, as it is the name of the album this need to be empathized.

Research of album covers

To support the work i have produced for album cover for my additional projects i have decided to provide some research, including images of existing album covers that have a similar resemblence to the one i have created and also were i have got any ideas from for mine. Here is my first example:

  • This is busted album cover, i feel that the bright colours used really bring out the style of the band and this also makes the actual album really stand out to the viewer. The editing that has been used to create this image of the band gives a very rock style image and this creates a good feel for the album. I have taken influence from this album and will interpret similar ideas into my album cover.

Here is an another example of an album cover that has influenced me:

  • This is Kasabian's album cover, i have taken some influence from this because of the bold text and bold colours that have been used. Although this album cover does not have an image place on it, i still feel that it represents the theme and style of the band to viewer. I really like this cover as it is simple, yet it really suits the type of band that Kasabian are.