Tuesday 22 September 2009

Permission from the band

Amber spoke to a Friend that is part of the band Not advised, he had spoken to the publishers and we have now received permission to use any of the bands songs. We now as a group need to decide on a song that we all want to use.
After discussing this issue we deiced that we want to use ''Jane says left'' we felt that this would best fit the type of music video we wanted to create. We also decided to discuss some ideas for filming, these include things such as:
  • Having a group if geeky looking people sat around a table acting normal, then when the music begins then start jumping around dancing, they will then be joined by 20 to 30 other normal looking people.
  • Having a group of people jump into a swimming pool fully clothed.
  • Having a Friend of ours do flips etc, around objects.
  • Having short clips of the band playing in front of a crowd
  • Clips of peoples feet, wearing high heals or nice evening shoes, panning across.
  • Images of people passed out in a messy room surrounded by empty alcohol bottle's/cans.
  • Finally having a friend of ours have a dance off with various other dancers

Here is an example of a video that involves people being passed out surrounded by mess and empty bottles:


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